Craig Binning is a Partner at Hemson and leads the firm’s municipal finance practice. His expertise is in public sector economic and financial impact modeling, cost/benefit assessment, user fee calculation, rate setting, local government policy, land use economics, and development charges.
Craig received his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Queen’s University and his Master of Philosophy in Political Economics from the University of Glasgow. After working as an economist in the United Kingdom, Craig returned to Toronto in 1990. He is a certified Professional Land Economist and is qualified as an expert witness before the Ontario Municipal Board.
Craig currently teaches the municipal finance course in the Planning Program at Ryerson University. Craig has also been a guest speaker at numerous conferences in Canada and the United States. Craig lives in Roncesvalles Village with his wife and two daughters when they are not at university or travelling. Craig is an avid urban farmer and does his bit to support the local food movement. Craig spends his summer holidays at a cottage in Simcoe County.