Government Finance Officers
Association of British Columbia

Join your colleagues from across the province to hear from partners and subject matter experts on current and emerging issues impacting local government finance. These forums are complimentary for members!

Accounting Auditing Forum

The Accounting & Auditing Forum addresses matters related to new and changing public sector accounting standards that directly impact local government.

Collectors Forum

The Collectors' Forum provides an opportunity for municipal tax collectors to exchange information related to property taxation with important taxation stakeholders.

 2024 Financial Planning Forum

The Financial Planning Forum webinar is an opportunity for budget officers from across the province to exchange information, discuss current issues and collaborate on budgeting and financial planning matters. 

Investing Financing Forum

The Investing & Financing Forum provides information on investing and financing specific to the needs of local government finance investors.

Procurement Forum

The local government Procurement Forum will tackle topics like the cost of procurement, binding and non-binding procurements, the impact of trade agreements on procurement and more!