Government Finance Officers
Association of British Columbia
Monday, June 5, 2017

Volunteering to serve on one of the four GFOABC standing committees gives members an opportunity to work with our Board in helping to set the association’s direction in the following areas:

Committees will generally meet quarterly by phone for about an hour. Agenda packages are sent out one week in advance of each meeting. This is a great chance to dip your toes into the association’s business by participating in worthy work and will also help you determine whether volunteering for a future Board position is for you!

Each committee will consist of 5-6 Board members as well as 2 non-Board members. You can find out more about the terms of reference for each committee by clicking on the committee name above.

Interested members should forward an email, along with their preferred committee(s) to: buy June 15, 2017. 

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