GFOABC membership puts you in a league with a group of finance professionals throughout North America who are dedicated to:
- Promoting the use of efficient financial management systems in a local government setting.
- Developing individual knowledge and skills.
- Promoting development of accounting, budgeting and financial reporting procedures in cooperation with the GFOA of the United States and Canada, the Public Sector Accounting Board, and similar organizations.
- Providing a forum for discussing and analyzing financial problems relevant to British Columbia and other issues of concern to public finance professionals.
Member and Affiliate Benefits:
- Member discounts on training, the annual conference, job postings and advertisements
- Access to the secure GFOABC Forum
- Members only website access
- Monthly Updates & Quarterly Newsletters
- Temporary Employment Database
- Opportunity to earn continuing professional development hours by participating in GFOABC activities, such as committees, working groups, facilitating a workshop and much more
Membership Types
Organizational Membership
Municipal, Regional District and Improvement or other District
GFOABC members are generally employed in a financial capacity in municipal, regional district or related government organizations. Their duties range from Accounting Clerks to Chief Financial Officers, and in small communities, a combination of administration and financial management. All of the municipalities and regional districts in BC pay membership fees for their finance employees.
Memberships are purchased by a local government and the membership fee is based on the size of the municipality’s population or the size of the annual budget for regional district and improvement or other district. Since the local government is the member, each organization is allowed an unlimited number of members. These members are divided into 2 categories: voting and non-voting members. Each organization can designate up to a certain number of voting members. A local government can have an unlimited number of non-voting members.
GFOABC also has an affiliate classification that is generally comprised from sectors closely involved with municipal finance, including municipal auditors, bankers, lawyers, consultants, software suppliers and related sectors.
Affiliate memberships can be purchased on an individual basis or by an organization. The member fees for an organization are determined by the number of individuals entitled to benefits.
What is a voting member?
A voting member is an employee of a member local government entitled to vote on member related issues such as the annual election for the Board of Directors, approval of financial statements, bylaws, etc.
What is a non-voting member?
A non-voting member is an employee of a member local government who is entitled to all membership privileges except for electing the Board of Directors and voting at the Annual Meeting. Membership privileges include access to the members’ only portion of the website, including the forum and resource section, member pricing for events, complimentary webinars and regular updates.
How do I find out if I am a voting member?
Consult the primary contact in your organization or contact us at
Who is a primary contact and what is their role?
The primary contact is often the most senior finance officer at a member local government.
It is the primary contact’s duty to designate voting members and to keep GFOABC up to date regarding current voting and non-voting members.
What is MyAccount?
MyAccount is a personal profile that must be created by both members and non-members to register for events. A member must log in to their MyAccount to access member privileges such as the Forum and MemberLINK.
Become a Member Today
Memberships can be purchased or renewed by an organization's primary contact or an individual affiliate via the membership tab within MyAccount.
Please contact Erica Christie with all of your membership inquiries at at 250.392.6871.
New Membership Information Package (pdf)
Membership Renewal Information Package (pdf)