Government Finance Officers
Association of British Columbia
Monday, January 28, 2019

LGMA and GFOABC invite you to share your expertise, support your colleagues, and broaden your networks while enhancing local government programming. Volunteer opportunities are available for the Joint Pension Committee, and we encourage you to consider contributing your skills and expertise. 

Joint Pension Committee

Invested in ensuring the sustainability of your pension and want to be a part of providing advice on the management of your pension plan?  We’re looking for LGMA and GFOABC members who want to promote the value of the Municipal Pension Plan and provide guidance and advice on proposed policy, funding or investment changes to the Municipal Pension Plan. You would advocate support to the municipal representative around any changes proposed by the Province of BC to the Municipal Pension Plan. Two volunteer positions are available. 

Review the Terms of Reference and submit your application before February 25, 2019. 

Applicants interested in this opportunity should include a brief written statement outlining their experience in local government, as well as reasons supporting their appointment.  

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