Our most recent question on local government software was prompted after several major changes in the industry. The survey was presented to the membership October 1st and received 65 unique responses upon closing November 30th.
The results are as follows:
Click to enlarge
SMALL <25,000 |
MEDIUM 25,000 - 100,000 |
LARGE >100,000 |
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Click to enlarge
In addition to primary financial software, we asked respondants to provide common alternative softwares used by their finance department.
Financial Reporting - Caseware
Property Taxation - Tempest, Diamond, Vadim
Water - Tempest, WaterWorth, Vadim
Payroll - Peoplesoft HRMS, Unit4, MaisPay, ADP, Vadim, Penny, Ceridian, JDEdwards, Paydirt, City Reporter
Investments - Excel, Treasura
Vacation Pay - ADP, Intranet, Peoplesoft HRMS, Excel, JDEdwards, Paydirt, City Reporter, Worktech
Insurance Liability Claims - Excel, MIABC, Bullseye
Asset Management - AssetFinda, CityWide, Worktech, Infor Enterprise Asset Management, Cartegraph, Ameresco, Excel, CityWorks, MDW, IPS, Open source
Bylaw Ticket Tracking - Tempest, Excel, Prospero, Vadim, Civicweb, Amanda, Easy Park,
Recreation Software - Perfect Mind
Budgeting - FMW, Questica
Thank you to all who participated in this questionnaire. The online Forum is a great place to continue the conversation.
If you have a topic for a future quarterly question please contact the office at office@gfoabc.ca or 250-382-6871.